Den of Squiggles
Name: Hawk-McKain
Location: Colorado, United States
Description: I'm just your average teen some would say. Though I don't really think so. You decide what you want about me, good, or bad.
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So much for this weekend.

Well other than my 4 hour spree on Guild Wars my weekend has been stressful. Mostly out of worry I guess, but because this was the one weekend I also chose to get in to a new sleep pattern I had to deal with the stress on lack of sleep and that's been tough. Then along with that worry my S.P.A.M. trip is coming up in 5 days and we haven't really planned anything for it at all and I haven't raised any money for it so that's also breathing down my neck.

::sigh:: Hopefully today will help with some of those things being the day the worry ends, though that'll lead to another stress, and we might get moving on the S.P.A.M. stuff.


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