Den of Squiggles
Name: Hawk-McKain
Location: Colorado, United States
Description: I'm just your average teen some would say. Though I don't really think so. You decide what you want about me, good, or bad.
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*sigh* I've been feeling like living as mundane and unexciting a life as I can. People may say "Live life to its fullest." But in living to the fullest you have to live through the emptiness as well.

It seems that every time you've just climbed out of your hole and realize things are going pretty good, BAM! Something hits you in the face and you slide right back down into that pit and have to start climbing out all over again. Whenever life is going good you have to know something bad is going to happen.

So, if life is never really good it probably can't be all that bad either. You may get pushed back from a ledge you found in the wall of the pit but you can catch yourself and get right back up to that ledge.

I’m sure plenty of you will bring up the point, "If you can catch yourself when you fall from the ledge why can’t you catch yourself when everything is going good?" and my answer to that is this:

You don't have so much going for you. You don't have so much to lose or feel disappointed about when you’re on that ledge. Even if you do fall down all the way you didn’t spend as much time getting there as it would to that ledge so it’s not so hard to just do it again.

Why "live life to the fullest" if life is just going to keep pushing you back down every time you try to get up?


*giggles* *likes Brian's comment* Well! Right now.... my life isn't really going up or down.... it's rather... staying constant.. yep. You and your silly mom! are silly... lol

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