Den of Squiggles
Name: Hawk-McKain
Location: Colorado, United States
Description: I'm just your average teen some would say. Though I don't really think so. You decide what you want about me, good, or bad.
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Well I got a call from my mom who is at the hospital with her friend (Gene) who really needs prayer. In his current condition people have said he has anywhere from a day to 3 or 4 days to live. So please pray for him and also his brother who isn't going to beable to come up from Texas/Louisiana untill Monday, maybe Teusday.

You know, as glad as I am to have such an amazingly complex body it certainly has a lot of responsibility that comes with it and if you neglect it there is so much that can go wrong. From a simple Cold to Cardiac Failure to Bone Marrow problems. Even if you do take proper care of your body those problems can still show their ugly faces.

Ah well, at least there's a place to look forward to when we die, from old age, from sickness, or even from the point of a gun. We can all look forward to a perfect life without any of that where we'll live forever in the glory of our Lord.


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