Den of Squiggles
Name: Hawk-McKain
Location: Colorado, United States
Description: I'm just your average teen some would say. Though I don't really think so. You decide what you want about me, good, or bad.
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Dry Times

It's kinda frustrating being able to see that there are people from all over the world looking at my blog and yet there's really nothing for them to read. At least not lately anyway.

So yeah, I know this is a little old news but Metriod Prime: Hunters is going to have VoIP capabilities. This translates into being able to speak to your fellow players before and after matches by simply holding X, as well if you feel that someone is being rude you can turn of the Voice Chat and use an on screen keyboard, much like PictoChat. So that's pretty awesome.

Hm, what else? Well Andrew got a sweet new CD, Newsong: Rescue, and I have to say, it's a really great Live Worship album so anyone that's looking for that, or even just a new CD, that's a great choice.

Oh, and I think it was the 6th of this month, Gravity released two new Ragnarok Online classes, Gunslinger (sorta like a customisable Sniper) and Ninja (a few different classes, monk and sin most notably, combined). So CaliRO will be getting those as soon as the eA dev team adds them to the Stable SVN.

Besides that nothign really interesting happening. I have been having mixxed feelings about going to public school next year so your prayers that God would make things clear about that and any advice is greatly appreciated.

With that I leave you till next time I actually get around to make a post.



lol, that was funny, I read that as "I think it was the 6th of this month on the moon, gravity released two new..." I was expecting shockwaves or something >.> so when it said RO, I was like "What the crap? How would the moon have anything to do with that?!"

XD I never said on the moon silly goose! <3

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